Preventive Care When you bring your animal companion in for yearly pet wellness care you prevent what can become serious medical issues. Dogs and cats age faster than humans, and they need regular health checkups just as much as we do. Senior pets, ones over the age of seven, need checkups twice per year.

We offer comprehensive wellness exams for pets in Caledon Village, Orangeville, Erin and surrounding areas. If we’re alerted to any possible conditions in your loyal animal companion, we’ll run the proper diagnostics to get answers right away. We’ll also take note of any changes in your pet since the last time we saw them. Regular pet wellness care helps us prevent, diagnose and treat many health conditions.

What we look for Your pets wellness care visit is the time to discuss any concerns you may have about your pet’s health. As your companion’s caretaker, you may notice changes in behavior or mannerisms we may not notice. We encourage open dialogue between our clients and our veterinarians, so be prepared to answer questions about your pet’s health at their next visit. During our comprehensive nose to tail exam we look out for many conditions including:

  • Dental changes, such as tartar buildup and swollen gums
  • Irregular lumps and growths that can indicate cancerous tumors
  • General behavioural changes
  • Rapid weight gain or loss
  • Irregular heart rate
  • Pet allergies including possible skin conditions
  • Abnormal body temperature
  • Runny nose or eyes
  • Changes in mobility that may be causing pain, along with changes in hearing and sight (for senior pets)
  • Issues with organ function (blood work can help us detect any problems)

What we look for Your pets wellness care visit is the time to discuss any concerns you may have about your pet’s health. As your companion’s caretaker, you may notice changes in behavior or mannerisms we may not notice. We encourage open dialogue between our clients and our veterinarians, so be prepared to answer questions about your pet’s health at their next visit. During our comprehensive nose to tail exam we look out for many conditions including:

  • Dental changes, such as tartar buildup and swollen gums
  • Irregular lumps and growths that can indicate cancerous tumors
  • General behavioural changes
  • Rapid weight gain or loss
  • Irregular heart rate
  • Pet allergies including possible skin conditions
  • Abnormal body temperature
  • Runny nose or eyes
  • Changes in mobility that may be causing pain, along with changes in hearing and sight (for senior pets)
  • Issues with organ function (blood work can help us detect any problems)

Keeping up with your pet's health At Caledon Mountain Veterinary Hospital, we try hard to foster close relationships with pet owners and their companion animals. We want to keep your pet healthy from birth throughout their golden years. Part of this relationship entails education about what veterinary services your pet should receive and when. Pet wellness care is the perfect time to create a schedule of care for your pet that will keep them healthy all year round.

Some topics we’ll touch on:
  • We’ll discuss the best time to spay and neuter, because this is often determined according to the breed and type of pet you have.
  • We’ll administer and schedule your pet’s first round of vaccinations.
  • We’ll determine how often your pet should receive maintenance boosters.
  • We’ll talk about daily dental care and how often your pet should get routine cleanings.
  • We’ll discuss your pet’s diet and whether they need nutritional supplements.
  • We’ll talk about whether your pet is getting enough exercise and behavior modification therapy.
  • We’ll talk about your pet’s weight and whether they are getting enough exercise.
  • We’ll talk about your pets general wellbeing and behaviour modification training recommendations.
Please contact us about pet wellness care! We want to keep your furry friend happy and healthy.