
Live, Learn, Love

A helpful blog for pet owners.


5 Tips to Help Entertain Your Pet After Surgery

December 13th, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|

  Your pet just had surgery and they have been put on restricted activity. How can you keep them occupied and entertained during this time without allowing them to run and jump? These five suggestions may not work for every pet, but trying different types of modified activities may help you find the right activity [...]

Are Halloween treats safe for my pet?

October 30th, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|

  Halloween is an exciting time for children, adults and pets alike! Kids come home all dressed up with bags overflowing with candy, and oftentimes they want nothing more than to share it all with their best friend, the dog. However, Halloween candy can make your pet very sick. Listed below are a few common [...]

Bringing Home Baby

September 26th, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|

  You’re headed home from the hospital with your baby, when you suddenly feel this pang of anxiety about introducing your baby to your dog. Will they get along? Will your dog accept the baby as part of the family?   Will your dog be jealous of the new addition? These are all valid feelings [...]

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